tallinn@glimstedt.ee +372 622 6006
Glimstedt organised a visit to Ukraine

Glimstedt organised a visit to Ukraine

The trip of international entrepreneurs to Ukraine was one of the first, if not the very first, business delegation to the country after the outbreak of the war. Meetings with officials and businessmen in Kyiv showed that it is not early to talk about investments in Ukraine.

Aim of the visit was to show solidarity, support and belief towards Ukrainian investment environment and show lead to other regions and to demonstrate, that Baltics and Scandinavia (we have representatives from Estonia, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania) are leading the way exploring opportunities and dare to be there already now.

Read the full article at Äripäev (in Estonian): https://www.aripaev.ee/suur-lugu/2022/06/30/eesti-ettevotjad-kaisid-kiievis-ari-otsimas

Contacts: Randu Riiberg, Maria Veermäe, Ringo Heidmets